
Experts also stress the importance of eating a variety of vegetables each day. To avoid the accumulation and spoilage of vegetables, it is possible to follow a simple trick, by simply focusing on a few vegetables each week and giving priority to other types in the following week.


Fruits contain many important and essential nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, minerals and various antioxidants. It contains a special type of fiber, which has many benefits, such as: lowering cholesterol and reducing the ability to absorb carbohydrates


Selecto is a drink produced by Hammoud Boualem, and it is a caramel soda produced in Algeria and France. The drink is very popular in Algeria and is one of the most consumed drinks and contributes strongly to the popularity of the company’s products. Selecto is usually similar to Coca-Cola because of its color, although its taste is radically different from the cola variety. Selecto was also invented twenty years after Coca-Cola.


Dried Fruits Packaged Produc

Dried fruits are those that have been dried out of most of their water content, leaving the fruit dry and shrunken, but at the same time rich in nutritional values and calories!                         The benefits of dried fruits
One of several studies found that people who had dried fruit in moderation and regularly in their diet tended to weigh less and have a better ability to absorb nutrients.